[Sigia-l] Request for assistance from a wannabe again

Sean Lawrence slawrence at lucidvagary.com
Thu May 2 17:36:38 EDT 2002

Hey all,

I was recently laid off from my last job which was a sys admin/tech
support/webmaster type thang for a web design firm.  I was an information
architect for a brief stint at a consultancy but left when it just got too
unpleasant and weird there.  So when I looked for work I went back to my
tech roots.  I was hoping to get some dev experience while there but that
didn't happen.  Now that I am out of work in a bad economy, I am reading,
working on several personal projects: a satire site about corporations and
culture, a community site, setting up a freelance site for myself, a
marketing and catalog site for my dad and have finished my resume site.

Now the problem and request for help concerns this: how do I get back in to
IA?  I know I need to start networking and I've done a little of that and
plan on doing more.  I did miss a recent IA meeting here in Chicago but will
definitely make the next one.  Other than reading, networking, working on
personal projects to hone various skills, and being REALLY passionate about
information/experience architecture/design what can I do??  Does anyone have
any insights/suggestions?  I know the economy stinks, so that's a bummer.
I've been keeping myself open to tech jobs still but try to look at them
from the perspective of what potential they may have to lead to something
more in line with my intentions. Are there other jobs for someone with 3
years systems experience and a BA in psych can get that will at least
qualify me to to move back in to an IA related job?

Thanks in advance,

Frustrated in Chicago

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