[Sigia-l] IA case studies

PeterV peter at poorbuthappy.com
Wed May 1 14:16:54 EDT 2002

Hi all,
I need a few more case studies for the IA book I'm writing, so this is an 
invitation to send in ideas for case studies. I'm looking for case studies 
that illustrate IA processes and deliverables.

If you're interested, send me a short overview of the project (to 
peter at poorbuthappy.com), maybe attach an example of documents 
(deliverables) you can add as illustration, and tell me what part of this 
project was of particular interest, ie. what angle the case study could 
take in your opinion. For example: how user research lead to certain design 
decisions, or the client-IA relationship, or how IA deliverables were used 
in the team, or how you changed flows based on your task analysis, and so 

I will then contact you back to discuss it. Remember, I will need you to 
sign a form to give me permission to put it in the book if we decide to go 
ahead with it, which may mean getting permission from your client. All case 
studies will be treated with complete confidentiality.

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