[Sigia-l] Canberra Cocktail Hour

Antony & Donna Maurer maadmob at bigpond.com
Wed Jun 26 06:37:39 EDT 2002

Announcing....the first Canberra (Australia) IA cocktail hour.

Wednesday 3 July, 5pm
King O'Malley's Irish Bar
City Walk, Civic

I have booked the library, which is directly behind the main bar - 
nice and quiet so we can talk. 

The topic for this first meeting will be fairly casual. I'd like to 
talk about what type of IA we each do, what we are good at and what 
we struggle with (so come prepared!). From this, we can identify some 
topics for discussion for other nights. 

More details on the IAwiki:


Email me with questions or RSVPs


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