[Sigia-l] Information Architecture program

Larry Lempert LLempert at bna.com
Mon Jun 24 17:45:10 EDT 2002

College of Information Studies, University of Maryland at
College Park, offers an MLS with a concentration in
"Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, and Information
Architecture." For a description, see

> From: "W F" <weif88 at hotmail.com>
> To: Sigia-L at Asis.Org
> Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 13:56:26 +0000
> Subject: [Sigia-l] Information Architecture program

> Anybody know a good certified Information Architecture
program in
> Washington, DC area? I got my master's degree in library
science many years
> ago (before the web came into existence) and have recently
started working
> on IA projects for our web team. Any information you can
provide will be
> greatly appreciated.

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