[Sigia-l] Thesaurus Construction Software

Mike.Steckel at SEMATECH.Org Mike.Steckel at SEMATECH.Org
Thu Jun 13 09:51:11 EDT 2002

Just as an FYI...it is my understanding that Multites will allow conversion of
their data files into XML in release 8.0 later this summer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Arko [mailto:philarko_lists at hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 6:07 PM
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] Thesaurus Construction Software

brendaj wrote:

>Any recommendations for tools for this task
>beyond good ol' Excel?  Is this type of tool what I should be using?

I would talk to the developers first.  How will this be implemented on the 
site (technically speaking)?  It might be better to figure that out first, 
and quickly design a relational Access database or just type directly in XML 
(both of which offer much more flexibility than Excel).  This would save 
lots of time later, and eliminate all of the potential errors when you need 
to cut and paste all of your work from Excel.

- Phil Arko

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