[Sigia-l] Thesaurus Construction Software

Andrew McNaughton andrew at scoop.co.nz
Wed Jun 12 14:52:46 EDT 2002

MultiTes is a tool for maintaining your thesaurus.  It won't help you with
cataloguing your records using that thesaurus.

Andrew McNaughton

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, brendaj wrote:

> This software looks like it is intended to create a thesaurus-as-interface,
> which is definitely valuable, but I wonder if it will be helpful for me.
> I need to index a relatively small database of 200 records, but don't
> necessarily need to relate one to another (that's already done with
> categories/subcategories).
> What I need is a tool that will help me create both terms and a thesaurus
> for those terms (synonyms, variants) to support a relatively simple
> keyword search feature.  (This indexing won't ever be made visible to the
> user in the interface.)  This thesaurus will supplement automatic indexing
> done by crawling actual content in the records.
> Any recommendations for tools for this task beyond good ol' Excel?  Is this
> type of tool what I should be using?
> I guess what I need to end up with is a list of preferred terms for each
> record, and a lookup table of related terms.  Will MultiTes give me that?
> You can respond directly and I'll post a summary.
> Thanks.
> -Brenda
> >===== Original Message From Laura Norvig <lauran at etr.org> =====
> >Colleagues,
> >
> >Now that I have Virtual PC, I am going to evaluate the only
> >affordable thesaurus construction software I have been able to find.
> >It is called MultiTes.
> >http://www.multites.com/
> >
> >I'll let you know shortly what I think of it. Anyone else out there
> >ever used it and have any comments? Avi?
> >
> >Have I missed the existence of a Mac-compatible thesaurus software?
> >
> >Apologies if this is too specialized a topic for this listserv.
> >--
> >Laura Norvig, MLIS
> >"Intelligent Human Agent"
> >lauran at etr.org
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