[Sigia-l] Re: multidoctype publishing: from Visio and Word

Rhonda Nelson retreux at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 31 18:05:37 EDT 2002

As the original poster of this question, I will
clarify:  i want a tool that would publish easily
(with printable page numbers, T.o.C) AND easily allow
updated documentation from Word and Visio to be
added/edited.  This is not so much as a publishing
tool to archive.  To be more specific, this is a high
level phase deliverable that will in 1 month be a much
more detailed deliverable (it is not at the end of the
launched product), and it needs to be easily updated
for presentations that will happen weekly.  

Quark may be ok for this, but I don't have this tool
and haven't used in the 5 years.  I have some research
to do on this ie. how it handles PDF and Visio docs.

Thanks for everyone's help, if you have any more
suggestions, please send them my way.


reponding to:

I barely remember now if we are talking about
documents that need to be
edited by users. My assumption was that we are not. I
was merely 
focusing on
making the job easier/better for the IA and producing,
perhaps, a PDF 
at the
end that encompasses all sorts of graphics and text
neatly collated in 
hopefully, scalable document. My workflow is such that
the recipients 
of the
docs I deliver/present never get to edit them
directly. I believe in 
power/utility of verbal discussion over docs.

> Microsoft wins again!

I do use Word, once or twice a year. Please don't get
me started on my
feelings about it :-)



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   /(o\   R h o n d a   N e l s o n 
   \o)/   retreux at yahoo.com                  ***

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