[Sigia-l] multidoctype publishing: from Visio and Word: suggestions?

princeofcats at newarcadia.com princeofcats at newarcadia.com
Wed Jul 31 11:13:57 EDT 2002

Chris, fellow list members,

Here's something I don't understand. What value is there in maintaining
IA-specific docs such as site maps, wireframes, etc after a site is

Obviously, content-focused stuff (mapping users to content, and so on)
needs to be editable long after a site goes live, which is why I typically
build these critters in Excel.

But the more visually-oriented documentation? My hunch is that (beyond
archival purposes) there aren't good reasons to do so. At least, not from
the wanting-to-remain-billable IA perspective.



Christopher Turner

> Ziya wrote:
>> You can use these apps almost exactly like a word processor,
>> if you wanted to.
> Ziya, the point is not which app is more useful or easy to use. The
> point is that NOBODY has Quark or Pagemaker, and EVERYONE has Word. If
> you want someone else to edit your doc, they'll need to have the right
> app. Microsoft wins again!
> -Cf
> [christopher eli fahey]
> art: http://www.graphpaper.com
> sci: http://www.askrom.com
> biz: http://www.behaviordesign.com
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