[Sigia-l] multidoctype publishing: from Visio and Word: sugg estions?

Andrew andrew at tip.net.au
Tue Jul 30 07:23:46 EDT 2002

Hi Anders,

you might want to think about looking at Epic's Arbortext XML publishing 
stuff or FrameMaker 7.0 - my personal preference is FrameMaker, but only 
because I've used FrameMaker 5.5.x and 6.0 for a while now. Depends if you 
just want a flat "convert this style to this tag" result or a structured 
authoring environment. Arbortext at least has a downloadable trial version.

Cheers, Andrew

At 04:47 PM 7/29/02 -0400, Anders Ramsay wrote:
>Is anyone aware of applications that will allow for XML-based integrated
>documentation?  In other words, something in which I define functional
>requirements once and can then represent the data in multiple forms and
>domains?  I've been working on something in XMLSpy toward this end, but it's
>becoming quite a challenge...
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Andrew Boyd	andrew at tip.net.au
"There is no security, only opportunities"

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