[Sigia-l] Distributed content authoring

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Jul 23 20:03:11 EDT 2002

"Eric Scheid" wrote:

>   "where people in different parts of an organization
>    write and maintain their own sections of the web site
>    through some sort of CMS"
> Sounds like a good enough definition for purposes of the question.

No kidding.

What does "their own sections of the web site" mean? (That's very different
from what David was suggesting: a (single) web page/screen.) Each author has
a restricted 'section' unavailable to others? Multiple authors per section?
So, for access/editing purposes, are we talking about a collection (of web
pages) as the smallest unit? An archive? Or is the web screen the smallest
unit? Is a web page composed of distinct areas with different access levels?
Do these map to the different 'sections'? To different authors? Etc.

I could go on with many similar questions anyone attempting to structure
such a 'distributed' system would have to ask. Unless, of course, you simply
want to be vague or merely argumentative.



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