[Sigia-l] [spam] Retraction re: "IA" value posting I made ear lier

Ashk, Adamya Adamya.Ashk at Staples.com
Thu Jul 18 17:21:12 EDT 2002

> I suspect all bets are off.
Were they ever on? :-)

But seriously, how do you make that distinction between 'Create' and
'Design'. Especially when we talk about 'Schema' & 'Classification' and may
I dare, 'Interaction'? 

These are essentially logical relationships. So is a logical relationship
'Created' when we think about it and make decisions? I would say so. Or is
it created when we populate that relationship with real world objects? There
is clearly a dilemma here. 

I have been taught that 'design' is a sub-set of 'create'. I have learnt
that this is not always true. A logical relationship representative of a
system can be designed in the mind and is created at the exact instance that
design began. A physical object however is more than a logical relationship.
So yes a building designed before it is created but a user-interaction flow
is designed and created at the same time.

So the net net: there is no difference between creating IA vs. designing it!

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