[Sigia-l] [spam] Retraction re: "IA" value posting I made earlier

karl fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Thu Jul 18 16:51:19 EDT 2002

> > Based on Karl's last example there is little difference betweeen his use
> > of the word "design" and the word "create"
> > 
> > You can create a facet system, right?
> > You can design a facet system, right?
> > 
> > Ok, so which is it? Is there a difference?

I'm sure there are important and subtle distinctions between create
and design that I'm not aware of, but generally I'd say that
'create' is more or less to 'make manifest.' You design something
and it's abstract and then you create a manifestation of it.

  (I wrote that and then checked the dictionary definition which
   says "to cause to exist; bring into being" among other similar
   definitions, so perhaps there's a job for me at the OED when
   this IA thing tanks).   

I'm sure someone will now muse that there is little diffference
between the use of 'create' and 'implement.' Go at it.


> Bing bing bing! I think we have a winner!

I'm not sure who won. Or what.


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