[sigia-l] clueless

robert.dornbush at ps.ge.com robert.dornbush at ps.ge.com
Thu Jul 18 08:56:20 EDT 2002

Ignore the man behind the curtain! (Ziya, who said:)

"You're really clueless about the difference between programming (executable
code) and markup (text tagging), a technical distinction that has nothing to
do with complexity, difficulty, functionality, etc. Since I'm unable to
penetrate that wall, I'll leave it at that."

Okay, so it looks like the great Oz has won this round!

The poor, functionally illiterate IA doesn't know the difference between
text tagging and executable code...
but riddle me this, is text tagging all in natural English, or is it in
effect a foreign "language", and these funny text tag things that magically
make stuff appear on the screen, they are written in pages of "language"
often containing over a thousand lines of (dare I say it, code?), and this
code contains multiple mini-scripts, subsets of 20 lines or so that make
some layers available at one time, others available at another time...but I
guess if it's only about what you see on the screen, and its really not
executing any functionality, it doesn't matter that it owns the
responsibility for enabling or disabling every function in the application
based on what it makes available to the user at any give time, I mean we
wouldn't want to confuse things like workflow and multi step processes, with
truly executable 'artificial intelligence thinking.'

I guess I would have learned the distinction better if they had named it
HSMM for "Holy Smoke & Mirrors Markup."

I guess I'm not worthy to be a real programmer, but then this isn't a
programmer's web forum, is it?

Hey Man!, whatever blows your skirt up!, OK?


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