[Sigia-l] [spam] The Value of "IA" or Whatnot, was: The New Nielsen?

Paula Thornton paula.thornton at prodigy.net
Wed Jul 17 10:11:21 EDT 2002

Christina and I have deep respect for one another...yet we vehemently
disagree on one fundamental issue: it's not about the Web. Everyone gets too
caught up in the medium (I'm not saying there aren't distinctions, there
are...but this is a 'step away from the car' situation).

I'm currently working with a group of dot.commers gone mainstream...buried
deep in the bowels of a massive IT organization (internal corporate
resources). Formerly responsible for the corporate Web site, they recognize
the intellectual stimulation of applying their skills to the 'next BIG
thing' (yes, Alan, that great insane asylum that we both have been working
to conquer) -- internal corporate applications. When an employee sits down
to do their work, who's championing their causes for their desktop? That's
NOT the Web. It's far more challenging, and from a Alan Greenspan sort of
perspective, a far more valuable use of our skills to contribute to the GNP.

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