[Sigia-l] Web Accessibility on Government Websites outside US

Simon Willison simon at incutio.com
Tue Jul 16 05:20:24 EDT 2002

At 15:28 16/07/2002 +0800, Ronald Tan wrote:
>I am currently working on the need for Government websites in Singapore to
>factor in Web Accessibility. Would appreciate any info on the following:
>2.    Is there another means of implemeting Web Accessible websites without
>        developing a speperate version from the graphic savvy versions?

Absolutely! Accessible does /not/ mean cutting corners when it comes to 
visual design (OK, you usually have to avoid Flash but Flash is pretty 
limited for usable informational content sites anyway). Have a read through 
these tips - they are aimed at people who want to make their weblog more 
accessible but many of them are equally relevant to other sites:


There are some good links to web accessibility resources here:


Hope that helps,

Simon Willison

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