[Sigia-l] Reminder - "Formal" London IA meeting

Margaret Hanley mairead at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 15 17:07:36 EDT 2002

<Excuse the cross posting>

Reminder - the next London IA group meeting on 17th July is
our "formal" one.

Date: 17th July
Time: 6.30 - 8.00pm
Venue: Scient (directions below)
The topic: Robert Fein will be leading the discussion

"XML Web Services are the implementation of Web-supported
standards for transparent machine-to-machine and
application-to-application communication. They combine the
best aspects of component-based development and the Web.

Like components, XML Web services represent black-box
functionality you can reuse without worrying about how the
service is implemented. Unlike current component
technologies however, Web services aren't accessed via
object-model-specific protocols.

A Web Service interface is defined strictly according to
the messages it accepts and generates. Clients can be
implemented on any platform in any programming language -
as long as they can create and consume the messages
defined for the Web service interface.

The issue is various companies (e.g., Microsoft) will be
selling access to these widgets of functionality right? 
Some of which are completely back-end and front-end people
do not need to pay attention (e.g., CC clearing house
verification), some of which have functionality parameters
that affect the front-end (e.g., valid work day checker)
and some of which are mostly front-end (e.g, registration).
So if your web site, intra/inter/extranet, weblication use
these widgets how do you preserve fidelity of your brand,
your design, or do you want to end-up creating something
that makes your web site a part of the greater web. Oh
yeah, let's not forget the business issues of not having
100% control over some potentially mission critical widgets
(e.g., shopping carts)"

Comments, thoughts and discussion on 17th July.

Please send an email to Andrea Gallagher at Scient to
register your name with security.
andrea.gallagher at scient.com

This is the location and directions:

Elizabeth House, 5th Floor
39 York Road
London, SE1 7NQ

Elizabeth House is across York Road from the Shell Centre
and the London Eye. 
For a map:

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