[Sigia-l] NYC-CHI July 17 event:"Top Ten Programming Concepts IAs Need to Know"

Fleur Levitz fleurlevitz at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 10 11:51:29 EDT 2002

-This message is being cross-posted-

NYC CHI's NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 17 6-8PM
"Top Ten Programming Concepts IAs Need to Know"
Date and Time: Wednesday, July 17, 6-8pm (program
starts at 6:30 
Location: TechSpace, 41 East 11th Street between
University Place 
and Broadway
RSVP Required: nycchi at usableproducts.com

This event is a follow up to our successful panel
discussion in May, 
where our panelists recommended that IAs become more
familiar with 
programming in order to be more competitive. On July
17, NYC-CHI will 
present a discussion with two accomplished technical
gurus, David Leip 
of IBM, and Peter Gluck of Grey Interactive. They will
be presenting 
an in-depth look at programming concepts IAs must
know, based on their 
experiences working with IAs.

David Leip, Corporate Webmaster & Sr. Manager at IBM
Peter Gluck, Developer, Grey Interactive
David Leip is Corporate Webmaster & Sr. Manager at
IBM. At IBM David 
manages an international team of people responsible
for technical 
innovation & strategy for one of the web's largest web
sites which 
spans 63 countries and 31 languages. He also chairs
the IBM Webmaster 
Council. David started working at IBM Canada's
software development 
lab in 1992. In 1998 he moved to a corporate position
at IBM HQ, and 
has been IBM corporate webmaster since 1999. David has
an MSc in 
computer science, specializing in Human Computer

Other bios pending; see
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nycchi for 

Many thanks to TechSpace for hosting this event.

NYC CHI Officers:
Scott Weiss - Chair 
Maria Moratis - Vice Chair
Fleur Levitz - Information Chair 
Don Bialer - Program Chair  
Shan Chun - Secretary 

Please check our website for more information and
mailing list 
signups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nycchi

RSVP Required: nycchi at usableproducts.com

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