[Sigia-l] disabling browser shortcuts

susan.paulsen spaulsen at 9flights.com
Mon Jul 8 19:51:36 EDT 2002

Hi Matt,

>> Does anyone have any experience with successfully disabling browser
>> shortcuts . .

> Don't do it!  don't believe me!

Thanks for the tip.  Yes, I understand and have plenty of experience with
the usability of the back button.  But (aren't there always exceptions?) I'm
working on a very complex web based application used by a controlled set of
internal users who are making the switch from a client-server VB app.  We're
trying to mimic much of the nice functionality they've become accustomed to
over the years, working with this app.  Our web app is controlled by a state
machine that does not allow the user to go "back", but forces them to use
some pretty cool little interface navigational aids to travel backwards to a
"previous" screen.

They have a set of keyboard shortcuts they already know, but if they try to
use them in the browser, it may do something they didn't intend.  We've had
to create new shortcuts using three-key combinations -- kludgey, but darn if
MS doesn't use just about every possible two key combination for their own
evil purposes.  We've tried to solve unintentional errors by capturing these
events and throwing a dialog box warning them that they are about to leave
the page and would they like to save their data?  Still, we're exploring all
of our options.

Thanks again! And please keep the comments coming if you've tried anything
like this!

- Susan

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