[Sigia-l] pre-written controlled vocabs?

David R. Austen dausten at hoosier.net
Wed Jul 3 18:46:39 EDT 2002

Hello, Brenda:

A shot in the dark: Dialog has a database called ERIC, especially for
Education. Don't know if they sell the ERIC *thesaurus* or not.

Best regards,


http://zillionbucks.com -- Web hosting for the creative industry

Wednesday, July 03, 2002, 5:50:23 PM, you wrote:
b> I know this products exists for purchase, but am having trouble finding it...

b> Currently looking for a pre-defined thesaurus to be used in indexing a 
b> database for search.  Looking for a 
b> place that sells thesauri based on topic, ex: "medical" or "education".

b> Can anyone point me to a company who sells such things?  I'd hate to spend 
b> hundreds of man hours 
b> reinventing the wheel if I don't have to.

b> -Brenda

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