[Sigia-l] Premium Content

Katherine Marshak katherine.marshak at iconmedialab.com
Tue Jul 2 17:41:04 EDT 2002

www.gantthead.com offers basic content for free but charges a
subscription fee for premium content. There, one year of premium access
to project management info is about US $300. (I don't remember the exact

Another free/fee combination site is the Wall Street Journal at
www.wsj.com. They give their print subscribers a cheaper rate (US $29
instead of $59) than non-print subscribers. 

The Harvard Business Review (www.hbr.com) gives users an abstract of
articles & books plus the opportunity to buy copies of individual
articles or article collections from the HBR. Users pay for each article
downloaded (or per hard copy reprint). 

MIT's Sloan Management Review has a similar model. URL:

~~ Kathy Marshak
www.iconprocess.com  - A milestone in e-development

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