[Sigia-l] Elements of Documentation

PeterV peter at poorbuthappy.com
Mon Jul 1 03:12:32 EDT 2002

Of interest to this whole discussion could be the IBM goal of connecting 
the documentation with the prototype (and the eventual implementation 
maybe): they model the entire user experience (in a UML style notation, 
based on Rational Rose), and then generate interfaces from that. They've 
been evolving this approach for many years, I saw a presentation on this in 
London last year, and you can download good stuff from http://ibm.com/easy 
(I can't find the URL for the relevant papers and tutorials right now).

http://www.easybase.com/ have a product where you can design functional 
prototypes and then link those to the modelling environment (Rational 
again), that will get updated automatically. So basically you build a 
prototype, and the documentation gets generated automatically from that.

I personally think the idea of "make models and then push the button and 
have a website" will partially work: it will be good enough for 
prototyping, and small websites, the same way Visual Basic (a prototypig 
language really I believe, correct me if I'm wrong with this example) is 
good enough for small applications.

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