[Sigia-l] Archiving Experience Design

Peter Morville morville at semanticstudios.com
Mon Dec 30 18:57:26 EST 2002

Worth checking out!

Peter Morville
President, Semantic Studios

-----Original Message-----
From: loop [mailto:loop at vcu.org] 
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 6:26 PM
To: loop at vcu.org
Subject: Loop Number 6: Archiving Experience Design

Loop Number 6 is now online.

Archiving Experience Design

Loop Number 6 features a "virtual" roundtable discussion on the
importance of archiving experience design, its practicality and its
limitations. The panelists include Hugh Dubberly, Jodi Forlizzi, Challis
Hodge, Nathan Shedroff, Brenda Laurel, Peter Lyman and Peter Morville.

The issue also draws upon recent efforts in capturing the history of new
media, particularly the World Wide Web. Included is an interview with
Brewster Kahle, founder of the renowned Internet Archive, as well as a
re-print of Peter Lyman's landmark essay on archiving the web
commissioned by the Council on Library and Information Resources and the
Library of Congress.

The issue is rounded out with two reviews. Eric Wilcox considers the
interesting parallels between the 2002 Designing Interactive Systems
conference in London and the 5th AIGA Advance for Design Summit in Las
Vegas. Peter Esmonde reviews two recent books dealing with the
information landscape of Experience Design: "Information Visualization"
by Robert Spence and "Mapping Websites" by Paul Kahn and Krzysztof Lenk.

Loop Number 6 is dedicated to the memory of Philip Meggs, a participant
in our virtual roundtable and valued colleague. He was a preeminent
design historian and a professor of design at Virginia Commonwealth


Loop is an interactive, web-based journal focusing on research and
methodology that advances practice and pedagogy in the emerging
discipline of interaction and visual interface design.

Loop is co-sponsored by AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Arts and
Virginia Commonwealth University's Center for Design Studies.


Loop, AIGA Journal of Interaction Design Education
Roy McKelvey and Steven Hoskins, Editors
   loop at vcu.org

Center for Design Studies
Department of Communication Arts + Design
Virginia Commonwealth University
325 N. Harrison Street
Richmond, VA 23284-2519
  804.828.1709 v
  804.828.6930 x


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