[Sigia-l] Designing Web Application Home Pages

prady prai at prady.com
Mon Dec 30 09:35:46 EST 2002

This is one of my quest too to discover some kind of pattern, UI guidelines,
or the commonness across the web-stand alone applications. Tilll today, I
haven't got very good answer. Web remains a medium for expressing freedom,
there's hardly any standard which I can derive.

But some of the studies I have done to build my own 'UI Style Guide' is by
looking constantly at 'Yahoo', 'MS Outlook - web access (MS exchange
version)' and some of the online interfaces for Supply Chain Products -
mySAP, etc.

I have appreciated 'Yahoo' UI standards so far the most meaningfull from
Usability perspective. Besides looking at how 'MS outlook - web access' is
designed to have same interaction with that of the 'MS Outlook - standalone'
would be a lot insiteful for your purpose. I am sure if you look at these
applications, you will surely get answers to what you have asked. You are
right, web interfaces mostly try creating a 'Home' because that is very
important to establish navigation and a sense of 'where am I(?) feeling',
under the shadow of browsers own nevigation and controls.

There is not one place where I found all the answers about Do's and Don'ts
on the web interface. Some of the people have tried doing it, SAP is the
one - http://www.sapdesignguild.org/. Although it is not an Interface
Guidelines but is a good attempt to define 'UI style Guide'. Hope this will
help you.

Do share if you discover anything better in your research.

Pradyot Rai
Usability Design Engineer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bollaert, Jodi" <Jodi_Bollaert at compuware.com>
To: <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: [Sigia-l] Designing Web Application Home Pages

> Greetings...(please excuse the cross-post to CHI-WEB)
> I'm working on the conversion of a Windows app to a web app.  In a Windows
> app, it seems that most of the time you start with a blank screen (though
> has moved away from this in the latest version of Visio).  On the Web,
> however, the practice seems to be to create a home page that acts as a
> gateway/launch pad to the rest of the application.  Does anyone have any
> tips, examples, do's and don'ts, etc. for creating a web application home
> page?  I'm especially interested in seeing examples if possible.  I'd be
> glad to post a summary to the list.
> Thanks!
> Jodi
> ****************************************************
> Jodi Bollaert
> jodi.bollaert at compuware.com
> 248.737.7300 ext. 10370
> "Specializing in usability, information architecture, interaction design,
> instructional design and more."
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