[Sigia-l] call for minitrack and workshop proposals

Mike Shepherd shepherd at cs.dal.ca
Mon Dec 23 09:11:58 EST 2002

          Call For Minitrack Proposals and Tutorials
Thirty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
         January 5 - 8, 2004 (Monday through Thursday)

The HICSS series of conferences has become a unique and respected forum in
computer and information systems and technology for the exchange of ideas
among the researchers and development communities around the world.

A MINITRACK is either a half-day (2 sessions) or a full day (4 sessions).
Normally, each session consists of summary presentations and discussion of 3
refereed papers. All sessions are conducted in a workshop-like setting. The
first day of the conference consists of tutorials, seminars and workshops,
followed by 3 days of paper presentations.

You are invited to submit a proposal to lead a minitrack or a tutorial in
one of the nine tracks at HICSS-37.

Submission Deadlines:
Final Deadline for Minitrack Proposals:  January 17

Deadline for Tutorial Proposals: March 1, 2003

Submission Instructions
1.  You must submit a proposal to be considered.  No acceptance of
minitracks will be made without a formal written proposal

2.  Minitrack proposals should be e-mailed to the BOTH the appropriate Track
Chair (see website for addresses) and to Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator
(e-mail: eidennis at indiana.edu) as soon as possible, but no later than that
January 17, 2003.  (* Please DON'T submit latex or postscript files*)

3.  Please limit the number of Co-Chairs to 2 or 3.  Designate who is the
PRIMARY contact person.

4.  Tutorial proposals must be sent to BOTH Eileen Dennis and Ralph Sprague
(Conference Chair – Sprague at hawaii.edu )

5.  Include your full mailing address, phone number, departmental phone
number and fax.

6.  Each proposal will be evaluated by the track chair whose decision will
be based on the overall technical merit of the proposal.
Acceptance/rejection notification will be sent out by the mid February 2003.

7.  See website (www.hicss.hawaii.edu) for details responsibilities of
minitrack chairs.

Proposal Contents - Your proposal should include the following:
1)  Define the proposed technical area, discuss the topics the session
will address, and how they fit into a particular area of research.
Specify if the session is a tutorial, advanced seminar, or workshop.

2) Discuss how these topics have recently been covered in other conferences
and publications to substantiate that HICSS is an appropriate and timely
forum for the topics.

3)  Include:
    a) A short paragraph of approximately 50 words describing the
       topics of  your minitrack/tutorial. This will be included in the
       HICSS-36 Advance Program Announcement and in the printed program
       in case your proposal is  approved for presentation at the
    b) A short bio-sketch of less than 50 words

4)  An explicit statement that your organization endorses your
involvement and
attendance at HICSS and has the infrastructure to financially support
that involvement.

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