[Sigia-l] rsi (off topic)

Tom Croucher tom at kid666.com
Fri Dec 13 14:09:26 EST 2002

You shouldnt rest your wrist on anything when typing, for the same reason
why splint gloves are bad. It makes your wrists weak because they are
constantly being supported. Better to excercise them in a way which
doesn't strain them unnecesarily.


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Visit http://www.kid666.com

> I like the keyboard I'm using to be flat on the desk with a wrist pad in
> front of the keyboard holding the heels of my hands near keyboard level.
> I think that I like to rest my hands on the wrist pad while typing. In
> addition, when possible, extra space on the desk between the wrist pad
> and the near edge of the desk is nice. (As I remember, it seems that I
> was beginning to feel some wrist discomfort a few years ago, and have
> not after using these options. Maybe the added height of a wrist pad has
> been the most significant addition among the options.)
> I'm not a doctor :) and I don't know whether my comments go along with
> recommended practice--in particular resting my hands on the wrist pad
> while typing.
> Have a nice day
> John Paul Fullerton
> j-fullerton at tamu.edu
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