[Sigia-l] Froogle

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Dec 12 19:43:31 EST 2002

"Christina Wodtke" wrote:

> Stockholder pressure for quick return
> creates bad decision making environments.

So can lack of cash. Google, however, doesn't seem to suffer from that.

Just as Microsoft's rise to monopoly abuser status is a direct consequence
of the abysmal incompetence of its rivals, I feel, Google's competitors
(from Yahoo to AltaVista) pretty much left the field to Google to dominate.
Is Google evil? Can it become evil? Compared to what?

There'll always be a need for general purpose search engine and apps that
can ride on it. But if the structuring of data/info grows (via XML or
otherwise) I see many alternatives to the notion of general purpose search.
Between Sherlock/Watson and NetNewsWire, my reliance on Google (even when
searching Google :-) has substantially gone down. Maybe it's a precursor of
things to come. I dunno.



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