[Sigia-l] OT: Seattle Area--Wanted participants in usability tests

Kerry Wiese kwiese at eproject.com
Thu Dec 12 16:05:07 EST 2002

Hi everyone,

My name is Kerry, and I work for a software company in Seattle as a UI
designer. I'm writing to see if anyone would be interested in
participating in some usability tests held here at our office on our
latest web-based project management and collaboration software. We
usually have one-hour sessions with an initial user-profiling interview,
the test itself, and a debriefing to discuss and review your experience
with the user interface and our product in general. It would be on a
volunteer basis, but we usually give out gift certificates to popular
businesses like Amazon, Starbucks, etc. to thank participants for their
support. Anyone is welcome to contact me with interest, but folks who
have worked with other project management or collaboration software are
especially encouraged to participate. 

The reason I'm writing to this list is because I assume that there would
be a good number of list lurkers and maybe regulars that would be
interested. I don't know if you would consider this SPAM (I hope not),
but if you do, I apologize in advance.

If you're interested in participating and would like more info, please
email me off the list at: kwiese at eproject.com

Best Regards,

Kerry Wiese
UI Designer

eProject, Inc
83 King Street, Suite 300 | Seattle, WA  98104 
p: 206.341.9117 | f: 206.341.9123
www.eproject.com | kwiese at eproject.com

Bringing people, information and ideas together.


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