[Sigia-l] "Best Bets" or "Accidental Thesaurus" Examples?

Tanya Rabourn rabourn at columbia.edu
Mon Aug 26 13:58:50 EDT 2002

> As for examples, Dell and HP both have implemented Recommendations.
> I know that the tools are built into both Inktomi Search Software and
> the Google Search Appliance, but I don't remember offhand which
> customers have used it.

Columbia uses inktomi and there are some 'quick links'
(inktomi's phrase for it). You can view one if you enter
'bookstore' in the 'quick search' box at

(sheesh, everyone wants stuff quickly, don't they?)


Tanya Rabourn <rabourn at columbia.edu>
[User Services Consultant]
AcIS R & D <www.columbia.edu/acis/rad>
tel: 212.854.0295

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