[Sigia-l] User experience taxonomy

PeterV peter at poorbuthappy.com
Thu Aug 8 13:36:38 EDT 2002

>The starting point for a taxonomy would be to back some of your topics out 
>a step so you have Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs. Instead of Card Sorting 
>Tools, you have a category for Card Sorting and another for Tools (and say 
>another for Processes).

Feels like you really want a faceted approach to tag this type of metadata, 
maybe some facets could be:

- tools
- people
- applicability (practical tips, case studies, example of use, ...) (not 
sure about this facet)
- type of content (article, news article, discussion thread, weblog entry, 
academic paper, whitepaper, ...)
- type of publisher (free community site, news site, commercial magazine, 
vendor, ...)
- topic (this facet would contain an extensive hierarchy, I'm having 
problems with splitting this one up in facets that make sense...)
- technical environment (language, server, ...)

Just a very rough idea of what the facets could look like. Feedback?

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