[Sigia-l] Recruiting Web professionals for a research study

WebTango Project Studies webstudy at u.washington.edu
Fri Aug 2 12:00:21 EDT 2002

Dear Colleagues;

We are conducting an extensive study to examine the work practices of web professionals with respect to creating universally accessible sites and to examine the efficacy of automated web site evaluation tools in this process. This study is part of the WebTango Project at the University of Washington and UC Berkeley (http://webtango.berkeley.edu/).

Phase I of the study consists of a brief (20-30 minute) online survey. We
are seeking responses from a broad range of Web professionals. We will be
randomly awarding twenty $25 barnesandnoble.com gift certificates to survey

If you have at least one year of experience designing or working on Web sites for use by others and have a job title of Web designer, information architect, webmaster, usability engineer/specialist, content writer, and so on, then please take the time to complete the survey at the URL below. This survey is time sensitive; we need to have responses by the end of the day on Wednesday, August 7, 2002.


If you know of someone else who might fit the study criteria, please pass this invitation along. Thanks so much for your help!


Melody Y. Ivory
Assistant Professor
The Information School
University of Washington

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