[Sigia-l] information architecture for public utilities websites

Ghiglione Beatrice beatrice.ghiglione at inferentiadnm.com
Thu Aug 1 10:19:05 EDT 2002

Hi all,
I am about to prepare a project plan on UCD activities to be carried out during a consultancy for an italian  public utility company website, specifically for the area dedicated to enterprises.
This website area is dedicated to e-billing and other activities related to it and we are asked to redesign it.

I think this, like other projects for PU should be very relevant as far as they could be considered a part of enlarged e-government projects.
In Italy companies are however a step behind as far as e-billing and e-government.

Any suggestion on how to carry out the job, which activities should be more relevant? 

I would also like to make a benchmark on other public utilities best practices (preferably tlc) in web e-billing and so on, any suggestion of best practices?

Thanks in advance

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