[Sigia-l] seeking rules

Byron Stevens bstevens at neptune.on.ca
Tue Apr 30 20:01:59 EDT 2002

How about: ³A user should never have more than three clicks to get what they

Byron Stevens

On 4/30/02 4:18 PM, "Heller, David" <david.heller at documentum.com> wrote:

> Oh this one reminded me of another.
> "It is best to be able to navigate to anywhere from anywhere."
> -- dave 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anne Hjortshoj [mailto:anne at optical.mindstorm.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:18 PM
> To: Heller, David
> Cc: 'Christina Wodtke'; 'sigia-l at asis.org'
> Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] seeking rules
> Here's one: it's always more efficient to have everything on one page.
> "Everything" can equal:
> -Search 
> -Text 
> -Steps in a workflow
> -Forms 
> etc. 
> I've spent some time lately gently persuading clients and developers that this
> isn't the case. 
> -Anne 
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Heller, David wrote:
>> > Christina here are a few of mine:
>> > 1. Local Navigation should be on the left; Global Navigation should be
>> > on the top 2. Links should be blue & underlined
>> > 3. Animated gifs are bad
>> > 4. Flash is bad
>> > 5. Nested tables are bad
>> > 6. Users won't wait for pages to download
>> > 7. Users won't horizontally scroll
>> > 8. Users max out their windows
>> > 9. Users use web sites differently from GUI applications
>> > 10. Keep it Simple
>> > 
>> > 

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