[Sigia-l] Re: The fuzzy line btwn IA and Design

Andrew Otwell andrew at heyotwell.com
Sat Apr 27 02:26:03 EDT 2002

> I learned long ago not to make my wire frames too visual, even though they
> looked sexier. Visually designed wire frames will cause nothing but trouble
> when Design tries to interpret them. They will either feel as if you're
> trespassing on their territory or they will be paralyzed and not know how to
> proceed.

Oddly enough, I'm working with designers right now who haven't had others
preparing wireframes for them very often. The first ones I handed over, I
expected to run into some annoyance. Instead, the design team was quite
happy that they didn't have to worry about those decisions, and that they
could focus on only the visual design elements. Depends on the designer,
depends on the IA.


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