[Sigia-l] is midwest, is not midwest

Chick Foxgrover cfservices at foxpath.com
Sun Apr 21 12:08:05 EDT 2002

Great question! As a native of Illinois/Wisconsin I always thought of 
Ohio as the beginning of the "EAST" but everyone here in NYC where I 
now live think of Ohio as definitely part of the midwest. I can't 
imagine thinking of Michigan as anything other than the midwest.

At 6:08 PM -0400 4/19/02, albert.m.selvin at verizon.com wrote:
>I went to school there and everyone talked about it as being in the
>Midwest. It has Midwestern architecture (the bell tower, etc.). I'm from
>New York so I know Michigan isn't in the Northeast.
>The real question is, is Ohio in the Midwest?

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