[Sigia-l] is midwest, is not midwest

Heller, David david.heller at documentum.com
Fri Apr 19 19:02:01 EDT 2002

But then, why categorize states at all.
Use a combination of a map (most people are very visually oriented,
especially w/ their own state) and a dropdown listing all 50. Click the
first letter and it gets your real close in most cases and in many it even
gets you right there.

David Heller
Sr. UI Designer - User Experience Group
Documetum, Inc. (Pleasanton #6025)
david.heller at documentum.com
AIM: bolinhanyc // Yahoo: dave_ux //MSN: hippiefunk
-- "If it is not useful, it will never be usable."

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Combs [mailto:mike_combs at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:50 PM
To: molly wright steenson; sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] is midwest, is not midwest

Why not allow Ohio (or other states for the matter) to be in more than one
category at the same time.  While this may yield a union of 100 states, it
will allow people to find the state they are looking for, where they want to
find it...

Plus everyone know Ohio is not rally a Midwestern state. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On Behalf Of
molly wright steenson
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 5:23 PM
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sigia-l] is midwest, is not midwest

yes. it's the midwest. ohio: midwest. pennsylvania: not midwest. michigan:
almost canada -- of course it's midwest. minnesota: midwest. same with
wisconsin and the fine state of illinois, where i reside. i'd add in
nebraska, kansas, and missouri, your friendly plains states.

At 06:08 PM 4/19/2002 -0400, you wrote:

I went to school there and everyone talked about it as being in the Midwest.
It has Midwestern architecture (the bell tower, etc.). I'm from New York so
I know Michigan isn't in the Northeast.

The real question is, is Ohio in the Midwest?

Betsy Vera <bentley at umich.edu>@asis.org on 04/17/2002 05:19:22 PM

Sent by:    sigia-l-admin at asis.org

cc:    sigia-l at asis.org

Subject:    RE: [Sigia-l] more on mixing apples, oranges, tomatoes,
        Cleveland , Kansas City... (was IA practice maturation)

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 zapolsja at WellsFargo.COM wrote:

 > Or maybe I'm just weird....   Lou claims he's never heard otherwise.
 > everyone else think that Michigan is in the Midwest?

I'm from Ann Arbor, too, and I'm with Lou: I've never heard otherwise.

For instance, The Midwest Music Conference is in Ann Arbor every year. I can
come up with lots of other examples, if necessary.

  Betsy Vera - bentley at umich.edu - http://www.BetsyDa.com/bedlam.html

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