[Sigia-l] IA Practice Maturation

Louis Rosenfeld lou at louisrosenfeld.com
Wed Apr 17 15:36:00 EDT 2002

My experience with Europeans interested in information architecture can't
compare with Eric's, who has actually worked in Europe (where though? it's a
big place).  And when I taught in London last November, I expected that same
1-2 year lag, at least among continental Europeans.

But I was surprised and impressed by the breadth and depth of experience of
my seminar attendees.  Sure, this was only about 80 people, but I'll be very
careful not to assume a lag among any audience from now on.  The London
group sure wouldn't have let me get away with it!

BTW, East Coast and West Coast IA:  what about Midwest IA?  Quite a bit has
emanated from little old Ann Arbor, Michigan. :-)  Lots from Chicago and
other places too.  If we're going to limit ourselves to the US, I have a
hard time seeing how we can leave out everything between the coasts.


Louis Rosenfeld
information architecture consulting

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