[Sigia-l] Conceptual models (again): metaphors or categories?

Tanya Rabourn rabourn at columbia.edu
Tue Apr 16 18:14:09 EDT 2002

Thomas Vander Wal wrote:
> Xerox Parc did have very helpful information on information scent posted
> and information foraging, but seem to have restricted access to that
> information.  These elements are similar but do not exend quite as far
> (i.e. the metaphor breaks and other metaphors have to be used to extend
> to understanding or explaining mental models or even out to Web Services).
They seem to have disappeared in just the last few weeks. I think if you
search google for pirolli you could get them from the google cache. This
pdf is still there though:

Thomas, I'm sorry if you've already explained this and I missed it, but
what are the areas where you find information foraging theory breaking
down? (I'm not dubious, I just want someone to articulate it)

Tanya Rabourn <rabourn at columbia.edu>
[User Services Consultant]
AcIS R & D <www.columbia.edu/acis/rad>
tel: 212.854.0295

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