[Sigia-l] mixing apples and oranges and tomatoes

Yeoh Yiu squid at panix.com
Sat Apr 13 17:58:13 EDT 2002

Laura Norvig <lauran at etr.org> writes:

> >  You get a similar problem when using anchor links: things aren't on
> > clearly a "page" anymore, which gets confusing (when bookmarking,
> > when moving around through links, ...). Still, I'm not sure how much
> > of a problem it really is.
> This is a pretty big pet peeve of mine as a user and as someone who
> needs to give people reference URLs quite often. The increasing use of
> database-driven sites (sometimes in cases where static would easily
> suffice) and the accompanying use of *ungodly* long and unwieldy URLs
> (I think really good programmers can minimize this but I've yet to see
> it) drives me insane ...

hence the role of intermediary services to reflect URLs,
eg http://qwer.org/

A good benchmark for length is the URLs should not line wrap in a
standard editor.


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