[Sigia-l] Re: SIGIA-L: Most abusive user experience?

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Mon Apr 8 23:18:26 EDT 2002

From: lee.r.sachs at verizon.com <lee.r.sachs at verizon.com> (9/4/02 6:31)

>How would a customer feel, if
>every time they snail mailed a letter or a complaint to a company, the
>company initially wrote back a form letter that stated they're 'really
>going to answer my letter the right way, but in the meantime here's another
>piece of paper that just says we got your letter but no human being has
>even looked at it.

The snail mail response is actually a government best practice, 
particularly when it comes to complaints and such. Such things take time 
to properly resolve, and few would rather a hasty but incorrect response. 
Also, having a receipt for a complaint not only serves as recognition, 
but is also a gesture of trust and empowerment: see, we did get your 
complaint, there is no way we can claim we never received it, you know 
this, we have no choice but to be honest with you.

For non-complaint things, a snail mail response is not so critical. If it 
actually takes more than a few days to mail out a brochure or whatever, 
then that is what would usually happen. No receipt in the meantime.


eric at ironclad.net.au                 i r o n c l a d   n e t w o r k s
information architect                      http://www.ironclad.net.au/

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