[Sigia-l] Form or Checklist to Evaluate Website

Mathew Patterson Mathew.Patterson at asx.com.au
Mon Apr 8 18:53:37 EDT 2002

Laura asked on April 9th;

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Norvig [mailto:lauran at etr.org]

Does anyone know of examples of a quick and dirty form that can be 
used to evaluate the overall design and content choices of a fairly 
simple website (such as one that a small community-based project or 
non-profit might have)?

Not an exhaustive form geared towards a professional developer, but 
one that will help the manager of a program assess their own website 
with regard to basic usability and usefulness.


Hi Laura,
I have found the materials at InfoDesign useful
http://www.infodesign.com.au/ , in this case I 
think http://www.infodesign.com.au/usability/webevaluation.html 
is likely to help.



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