[Sigia-l] mixing apples and oranges and tomatoes

PeterV peter at poorbuthappy.com
Wed Apr 11 18:21:20 EDT 2001

>But the way I understand faceted taxonomy, you still have mutually
>exclusive categories within a single facet. The temptation seems to be to
>place an item under more than one category within a single facet.

Why do you need mutually exclusive categories? If I have a facet called 
"sports", and I have an article about diving and swimming, I can put it 
under both, there's nothing wrong with that. The whole idea of facets is 
just to deal with the limitations of simple hierarchical taxonomies.

Are you relating the faceted taxonomy to a certain type of navigation? 
Because yes, in certain types of navigation I agree it's a bad idea to have 
double posts (ie. if it makes the page look like a separate page  (the user 
will be confused and compare the two pages in her mind), like if you're 
using tabs for example. This is one reason to use tabs for exclusive 

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