[Sigmed-l] Register now for the EBLIP4 Conference and Workshops!

Carol Perryman eblip4 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 20:20:57 EDT 2007

Yes, the EBLIP4 conference runs from MAY 7-9 (and it's STILL not too late to
register) - but do you know about the terrific WORKSHOPS scheduled for May
10 and 11?  Take a look:

1. Implementing Evidence-based Library and Information Practice
2-day Workshop: May 10-11, 9a.m.-4:30p.m.
Andrew Booth, Director of Information Resources & Senior Lecturer in
Evidence Based Healthcare Information,
School of Health & Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom
Anne Brice, Director of the Library, Informatics and Knowledge Centre,
Institute of Health Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Over a two day period participants will work in common interest groups (e.g.
collection development, digital libraries, information skills training,
enquiry services, library outreach, and quality management) each comprising
5 or 6 participants. Each group will follow
a semi-structured process, prompted by "trigger" scenarios over the course
of an extended case study, allowing modification and ownership of the chosen
topic. Each session will begin with a plenary lecture by an acknowledged
expert in the field, providing an overview of the relevant stage of the
EBLIP process. It will be followed by intensive group work, applying
principles from the lecture to the groups' specific interest topics, with
support materials provided by the instructors. It will conclude with plenary
feedback allowing all groups to benefit from both observations on the
process itself and from the specific findings from each group.

2.  How to Assess the Evidence: A Critical Appraisal Tool
1/2-day workshop: May 10, 9a.m.-12:00p.m.
Lindsay Glynn, Instruction Coordinator, Health Sciences Library, Memorial
University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

With the amount of research evidence available, it sometimes can be
difficult to know if the research we are using to inform decision-making is
good research. There can be a gap between research and practice that can be
bridged by critical appraisal. Critical appraisal is the process of
systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity,
applicability and appropriateness before using it to inform a decision.
Lindsay Glynn has created a critical appraisal tool for Evidence Based
Librarianship. As an exhaustive tool, it is more than just a series of
questions: it includes a checklist divided into sections (Population, Data
Collection, Study Design, and Results) as well as calculations for section
validity and overall validity. Lindsay will begin with an overview of what
critical appraisal is and how it can be used in library and information
practice. She will then present the critical appraisal tool, with a brief
lecture on the components of the critical appraisal checklist, including
what they mean, what information is required to answer the checklist
questions, and why the questions are relevant. Workshop participants will
then be involved in a hands-on exercise. They will divide into groups and
apply the critical appraisal model to published research and present the
results to all participants. Findings will be discussed.

3. Meta-analysis: Searching, Evaluating and Synthesizing the Evidence
1/2-day workshop: May 10, 1:30p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Kalyani Ankem, Associate Professor, School of Library and Information
Sciences, North Carolina Central University
Anne Linton, Director, Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, George Washington

This half-day workshop aims to help participants in efficiently and
effectively searching for evidence, evaluating retrieved literature, and
combining precise and reliable evidence on a topic found in the literature
by employing meta-analytic methods. The first part, covered by Anne Linton
will focus on search techniques that emphasize comprehensive, evidence-based
retrieval on a topic. The second part, presented by Kalyani Ankem, will
cover evaluating and synthesizing the evidence retrieved from the
literature. The workshop is designed for educators in research universities,
as well as for practitioners in all types of libraries and information
centers who are interested in gathering and statistically synthesizing
precise evidence to inform practice. Health information professionals who
support evidence-based healthcare by searching and evaluating literature
will also find the workshop to be informative.

4. Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries
1-day Workshop: May 11, 9a.m.-4:30p.m.
Martha Kyrillidou, Director, ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs
Steve Hiller, Library Assessment Coordinator, University
of Washington Libraries Jim Self, Director, Management
Information Services at the University of Virginia Library

This full day workshop will focus on understanding developments in library
assessment in academic libraries. Participants will learn about the New
Measures Initiatives of the Association of Research Libraries and how it has
led to the establishment of the StatsQUAL™ service which includes assessment
protocols like LibQUAL+(r), DigiQUAL™, and MINES for Libraries™. Participants
will be explore how they can start thinking about assessment at their own
institutions. Seasoned assessment practitioners will discuss how they are
implementing assessment at their institutions and lessons learned from the
'Effective, Sustainable and Practical Assessment' service currently operated
by ARL. The presenters will attempt to chart a vision for the future of
academic libraries and how assessment can help us realize that vision.

For more information and registration forms, visit the Conference website:

Carol Perryman MSLIS
Co-chair, Evidence-based Library & Information Practice 4th International

TRLN Doctoral Fellow
School of Information & Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research page: http://tinyurl.com/ymljs5
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