[Sighfis-l] Call for interest: Virtual HFIS publication workshop?

Elliott Hauser eah13 at mac.com
Mon May 14 12:09:59 EDT 2018


During our meeting in Arlington, we discussed ways to support historical
and theoretical work by early career scholars, aimed at increasing the
amount and quality of HFIS-related work in our field.  Based on some
continuing discussions, I'd like to try a little experiment.

If you are:

   1. An established scholar who would be willing to read early career
   scholars' historical and/or theoretical papers and offer feedback, or
   2. an early career scholar who would benefit from such feedback on your
   unpublished paper, or
   3. interested in participating in either way, regardless of career stage,

please reply to me off-list.  I'll connect everyone who does so by the end
of the week and, based on the responses, we can determine how best to
proceed.  Feel free to suggest any ideas or preferences when you respond.

This could end up being anything from one-to-one pairings to a virtual
workshop of some form.  We'll keep things as lightweight, fast, and fun as

One of the dynamics bemoaned during our SIG meeting was the general
difficulty of getting HFIS-related work accepted for publication.  If
you've done this successfully and/or have had an experience with reviewers
being ignorant or skeptical of HFIS, please consider participating.

PhD Student, UNC Chapel Hill

p.s. I of course have a paper (or two) that I'd like some feedback on, and
considered just asking if anyone would be willing to read it.  I hope this
little experiment can be a broader resource for everyone who's interested.
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