[Sighfis-l] Nominations and expressions of interest for SIG HFIS officers

Kathryn La Barre kathryn.labarre at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 21:45:24 EDT 2011

The SIG HFIS Bylaws call for a Nominating Committee to be appointed which
shall conduct an election at least ten weeks before the Annual Meeting and
for the Nominating Committee to distribute a ballot six weeks before the
Annual Meeting. I had not arranged this (I had forgotten).The SIG HFIS has
one elected officer, Chair-elect (which will be for 2012-2013).

Please send any nominations for Chair-Elect to me (j.warner at qub.ac.uk) as
soon as possible and we will proceed from there. This is also a call for
expressions of interest for the positions of Secretary/Treasurer,
Communications Officers, and Webmaster. These are appointed positions.

I look forward to receiving nominations and expressions of interest.

Julian Warner****

Chair SIG HFIS****

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