[Sighfis-l] ASIST SIG HFIS Update

Michael Buckland buckland at ischool.berkeley.edu
Sun Oct 10 22:59:54 EDT 2010

Some SIG HFIS administrative matters:

1. Join us at the SIG HFIS 2010 Annual Business Meeting to be held at 
the ASIST Annual Meeting. It is scheduled for Monday 3:00 p.m. in the 
Smithfield Room. This immediately following the SIG HFIS sponsored panel 
session on "Information Science as Discipline Repositioning Information 
Science." Please let send me a note of any items you would like to see 
on the Agenda.

2. The SIG HFIS Annual Report for the year 2009-10 can be found from a 
link at
http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGH FIS/about_sighfis.htm

3. Minutes of the 2009 SIG HFIS Annual Business Meeting can be found 
from the same location. These minutes will need to approved or corrected 
at the upcoming 2010 SIG HFIS Annual Business Meeting.

4. Election of Officers: The SIG HFIS Bylaws call for a Nominating 
Committee to be appointed which shall conduct an election at least ten 
weeks before the Annual Meeting and for the Nominating Committee to 
distribute a ballot six weeks before the Annual Meeting. This has not 
happened. It is my fault. I failed to pay attention to these 
requirements. I apologize and I will now seek to catch up as best I can.
   SIG HFIS has one elective office: Vice-Chair-Chair-elect. I have 
rec'd one nomination. Please send any additional nominations to me as 
soon as possible and I will send out a ballot on this listserv on Oct 15.
   There are other officers, including Secretary/Treasurer, 
Communications Officers, and Webmaster. These are, I believe, appointive 
rather than elective. (ASIST model SIG bylaws allow additional officers 
to be either  elective or appointive and I've not aware of any evidence 
documenting a SIG HFIS decision this point). I will add clarification of 
this topic to the Annual Business Meeting Agenda.

5. My heartfelt thanks to the contributions of the other officers during 
the past year, especially to valuable work of Webmaster Thomas Haigh, 
the frequent sage advice of Chair-Elect Julian Warner, and the entirely 
exceptional efforts of Immediate Past Chair Robert Williams on the ASIST 
History Fund and History Awards.

Michael Buckland
SIG HFIS Chair, 2009-2010.
Michael Buckland, School of Information,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
(510) 642 3159 buckland at ischool.berkeley.edu
Co-Director, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative

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