[Sighfis-l] HFIS Planning meeting at ASIST/AM in Columbus

Kathryn La Barre kathryn.labarre at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 12:21:20 EST 2008

Please excuse cross-postings.

North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
June 18-19, 2009
Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Syracuse, NY

We invite proposals for papers and posters for the 2009 North American
Symposium on Knowledge Organization, sponsored by the Canadian and U.S.
chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO). This
will be our first official meeting as a chapter. Accordingly, it serves as a
fitting occasion for us to take stock of our past in light of the present
and with an eye to how this living heritage might be leveraged for the
future. We hope that it will serve as a springboard for future symposia and
lay the groundwork for possible research agendas in the years to come.  In
the spirit of these objectives, the theme of NASKO 2009 will be "Pioneering
North American Contributions to Knowledge Organization."

The theme "Pioneering North American Contributions" borrows from the
approach adopted by W. Boyd Rayward for the special Library Trends issue
(Vol. 52, No.4, Spring 2004), a collection of essays on people, events,
theories, movements, policies, and publications that were "pioneering" in
the field of Library and Information Science.  In his introduction, Rayward
explained the overarching goal of the collection—to present evidence-based
narratives that are not primarily celebratory, but that offer an opportunity
for "detailed critical assessments of matters of importance" (p. 676).
Following Rayward's lead, we have intentionally left the notions of
"contribution" and "pioneering" negotiable (p. 676): Each paper or poster
may follow its own approach and use its own methodology for marshalling
evidence in its own voice. Proposals taking an historical approach should
not only provide an interesting narrative, but should also "function as an
heuristic for detailed analysis of aspects of the past in the light of
present trends of development and vice versa"(p. 679). Thus, we hope that
historical submissions will not be purely celebratory of past
accomplishments, but will provide reflective and substantive evaluations of
these accomplishments that do justice both to their historical context and
to current perspectives.

Proposals for papers and posters may address any of the following aspects of
North American contributions to knowledge organization, broadly understood:
Individuals and organizations that are/were influential in knowledge
organization, not only as representatives of their times, but also in terms
of their influence on future developments;

* Individuals and organizations that are either being reconsidered or should
be reconsidered in light of new thinking and advances in technology.

* The role of policies, standards, consortia, movements, technologies, etc.,
in developments relevant to knowledge organization.

* Evaluation (or re-evaluation) of long-held beliefs and theories in light
of their influence on the field of knowledge organization.

* Important services, institutional developments, or educational trends that
serve or have served as contributions to knowledge organization.

* The influence of North American initiatives on the field of knowledge
organization around the world.

* Any other North American contribution or pioneering effort deemed relevant
to knowledge organization.

Proposals for papers and posters are due by January 1, 2008. The proposal
should be no more than 600 words and should include a title but no other
identifying information to ensure anonymity in reviewing. The proposal
should be accompanied by a cover page that includes the name(s) of the
author(s), the title, and a full mailing address and telephone and fax
numbers for the corresponding author as well as e-mail addresses for all
other authors. All proposals must be in Word or RTF format and should be
submitted electronically to Nicolas George <nasko2009 at gmail.com>.

Proposals will be refereed by the members of the Program Committee. Authors
of papers will be notified of the committee's decision no later than January
30, 2009; authors of posters will be notified no later than February 15,
2009. All accepted papers will be published online. Final papers to appear
in the electronic proceedings must be submitted no later than May 15, 2009.
With permission of the authors, the most highly ranked papers will be
submitted for publication in Knowledge Organization.

We extend special encouragement to students to contribute proposals for
papers and posters, so please distribute this call to doctoral and
masters-level students.

Important dates for papers:
January 1, 2009      Submission of proposal (600 words maximum)
January 30, 2009     Notification of authors
March 15, 2009       Final paper due (3000 words maximum)
May 1, 2009          Reviewed papers returned to authors for editing
May 15, 2009         Revised final papers due

Important dates for posters:
January 1, 2009      Submission of proposal (600 words maximum)
February 15, 2009    Authors notified of acceptance

Program Committee:
Clement Arsenault, Universite de Montreal
Thomas Dousa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nicolas L. George, Indiana University Bloomington
Michele Hudon, Universite de Montreal
Elin K. Jacob, Indiana University Bloomington, Co-Chair
Barbara Kwasnik, Syracuse University, Co-Chair
Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shawne Miksa, University of North Texas, Denton
David M. Pimentel, Syracuse University
Richard Smiraglia, Long Island University
Joseph T. Tennis, University of Washington

Questions regarding this call should be directed to Elin Jacob at
nasko2009 at gmail.com.

Kathryn La Barre
Assistant Professor
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