[Sighfis-l] sg hfis call for papers for am 2006

Dr Julian Warner j.warner at qub.ac.uk
Mon Dec 5 10:29:20 EST 2005

History and Foundations of Information Science Special Interest Group (HFIS)
has a particular interest in historical and theoretical studies in
information science.  A further indication of its scope can be gathered
inductively from the topics covered at recent ASIS&T Annual Meetings, which
have included, A science of public knowledge, Knowledge diffusion, and, How
neutral can technology be?


I invite proposals for panels and for contributions to panels for submission
under the ample aegis of HFIS for the ASIST Annual Meeting 2006, Information
Realities: Shaping the Digital Future for All (November 3-9, 2006 in Austin,
Texas).  Proposals should be formatted in accordance with the call for
papers at http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM06/am06call.html [1] but sent to
me (j.warner at qub.ac.uk) as attachments.  I will submit all proposed panels
and attempt to compile coherent panel(s) out of proposals for individual
contributions received.


I would like proposals by February 3, 2006 (to give me time to compile panel
proposals from individual contributions).


I look forward to receiving contributions from colleagues.


Julian Warner

j.warner at qub.ac.uk




[1] The formal requirements for panel submissions are as follows.


Submissions should be in the form of a short paper (approximately five
pages, no smaller than 10-pt. font). The submission must include two
distinct parts: 1) scope: providing a clear rationale for the panel, an
overview of potential issues to be discussed, and justifications for
selecting the proposed panel members and 2) panel member contributions: a
single page from each member (to be included in the 5 page count) describing
what the member plans to discuss and a list of questions the member will
raise for other panel and audience members to react to. It is assumed that a
panel will have about three to four members.



Julian Warner
School of Management and Economics
The Queen's University of Belfast
Northern Ireland


email        j.warner at qub.ac.uk
home page    http://www.qub-efrg.com/staff/jwarner/



[1] The formal requirements for panel submissions are as follows.


Submissions should be in the form of a short paper (approximately five
pages, no smaller than 10-pt. font). The submission must include two
distinct parts: 1) scope: providing a clear rationale for the panel, an
overview of potential issues to be discussed, and justifications for
selecting the proposed panel members and 2) panel member contributions: a
single page from each member (to be included in the 5 page count) describing
what the member plans to discuss and a list of questions the member will
raise for other panel and audience members to react to. It is assumed that a
panel will have about three to four members.


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