[Sighfis-l] need help: intelligence work and IS

Bob Williams bobwill at gwm.sc.edu
Fri Mar 7 12:43:35 EST 2003

Folks: We are at last beginning to do something book-wise on the two
SIG/HFIS sessions on IS and intelligence work.  Hope to have a proposal
submitted to Dick Hill shortly.  We want to capture the papers that were
presented at the two sessions (01, 02) but to also include any really
good articles previously published that address this issue, particularly
those from an historical perspective.  Thus, I need your help.  

Please dig around in your memory banks and try to recall/find citations
(copies also appreciated) to articles or books chapters that you
recommend we consider for inclusion in this book.  They do not have to
have been published only in the IS literature; can be from any period or
any subject literature that is appropriate to the main theme.  Sooner
than later, please, because I want to get the proposal to Dick asap. 

Thanks for any help you are able to provide. 

Robert V. Williams, Prof.
School of Library and Info. Science
Director, Office of Research
College of Mass Comm. and Info. Studies
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC. 29208
Phone: 803-777-2324; Fax: 803-777-7938
E-mail: bobwill at sc.edu
Home Page: http://www.libsci.sc.edu/bob/frontpg.htm

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