[Sighfis-l] critical theory sig

Julian Warner j.warner at qub.ac.uk
Mon Oct 28 07:51:59 EST 2002

I find myself firmly in favour of the conservative (conserving!) 
side of this debate, not out of a lack of sympathy to the topics 
proposed but out of a desire to prevent the fragmentation of 

Some of the topics suggested have been covered by SIG HFIS 
members (including myself!)and HFIS has always provided a 
sympathetic forum. The effort of presenting topics intelligibly 
to non-specialists within HFIS and other fora may also have had 
useful effects.

Julian Warner
Julian Warner
School of Management and Economics
The Queen's University of Belfast
Northern Ireland

Tel.       +44 (0)28 9027 3243
Fax        +44 (0)28 9033 5156
Mobile:    07732 310115   
Email:     j.warner at qub.ac.uk
Home page: http://qub-recon.vhost.tibus.com/staff/jwarner/

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