[Sighci-l] Search engine query log

Jean-Yves Delort Jean-Yves.Delort at lip6.fr
Tue May 6 07:53:34 EDT 2003


It is very hard to find search engine query log on the Web...

I am looking for search engines such as Excite, Lycos and even
local to a country search engines. Do you have any clues about
where I could find them ?

Jack Xu who worked at Excite had put on the web one day Excite
queries log ftp://ftp.excite.com/pub/jack/Excite.Log.12201999.gz

but it is no longer available.

Also, uf you have heared about "big" proxy server log (like that I could
extract the users' queries) in which user's requests haven't been removed
and could say it to me I would be very grateful.

Many thanks by advance

Best regards

Jean-Yves Delort

LIP6, Pole IA
8 rue du Capitaine Scott
75015 Paris, France

(metro station :  Dupleix or Bir Hakeim)

telephone (33) 1 44 27 88 02, fax (33) 1 44 27 70 00
Web: http://webia.lip6.fr/~delort

e-mail address : Jean-Yves.Delort at lip6.fr

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